27min HIIT & Core
New to Studios
Equipment Needed:
- Resistance Bands
- Door Anchor
A1. Thursters
A2. Walking Burpee
A3. Walking Bear Hold
A4. Deadbug
B1. Standing Rotations
B2. Lateral Resisted Reverse Lunge to High Knee
B3. Banded Sprints
Up Next in New to Studios
30min Arms & Core
Equipment Needed:
- Band Bar
- Resistance Bands
- Door AnchorWorkout:
A1. Z Press
A2. Elevated Bicep Curls
A3. Tricep Kickback
B1. Single Arm Cable Bicep Curl
B2. Low to High Woodchop
C. Core Finisher -
40min Glutes Focused 5
- Band Bar
- Resistance Bands
- BenchWorkout:
A1. Seated Abductions
A2. Assisted Single Leg Deadlift
B1. Hip Thrust
B2. Bodyweight Pulses
C1. Step Ups
D1. Glute Kickbacks -
38min Lower Body Strength & Conditioning
Equipment Needed:
- Band Bar
- Resistance BandsWorkout:
A1. Deadlift
A2. Jump Rope
B1. Split Squat
B2. Lateral Lunge (optional high knee)
C1. Good Mornings
C2. A Skips